Soldier Boy

To the chagrin of many of their fellow Americans, one nation after another has been voicing support for the growing Black Lives Matter movement. But why? Why do so many people the world over care so much about the fate of African-Americans?

The answer is quite obvious, though it still eludes the grasp of many Americans. But to make a long story short: everyone loves and roots for the underdog. They are the heroes of every tale. They emerge the victors of every apotheosis. They are worshiped for time immemorial long after their feats have faded into history.

And you will find no greater underdogs in this modern world than the African-Americans. Their ancestors were owned, and treated like furniture for centuries. Their elders were shunned from society, as if they had the Bubonic Plague. And they are to this day treated like criminals by draconian decree, summarily executed for even the most trivial of offenses.

That is why they are both loved and idolized the world over. Everyone who has a conscience is secretly rooting for them, while those with no conscience secretly hate them. But regardless of their ultimate fate, and regardless of who among them survive the ceaseless trials they are to endure, they will have long since earned their place in the story of humanity, throughout the annals of time. And that is where they will immortally remain, beyond even the ending of the world itself.

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