Eye in the Sky

Big Brother is watching you, and I can scientifically prove it.

The following experiment was pioneered by a prominent Social Media user. It is both replicable and definitive in its demonstration of nearly ubiquitous corporate and/or state-sponsored espionage.

To begin with, logout of all of the devices in your home. Leave them on, but with no access to the websites you frequent. Ensure that you are alone, or in the company of people who know what you are doing and are willing to play along.

Now pick a trigger word. Ideally, it should be a subject you are not usually interested in or obsessive over. For me the word was "pizza". As a bonus, ensure said websites in no way mention your word. How could they without reading your mind?

With your trigger word in hand, begin your vocal monologue expressing sudden interest in it. Use it as much as possible. My own monologue was:

"You know what I would really love right now? Some pizza! If there were one thing in the world I would spend money on right now, it would be pizza. I would spend every dime I had on me buying as much pizza as possible, and then I would eat it until my belly was nearly bursting!"

The monologue need not be long or particularly Shakespearean. The point is to alert whomever may be eavesdropping on your life that you might be a sucker for the trigger word.

Wait a few minutes. Longer than it takes to drink a beer, but sooner than an hour. It should not take very long.

Now log back into your favorite websites. Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Apple are the big four to check. Other sites include but are not limited to: Twitter, Amazon, Netflix, etc.

Scour the websites looking for advertisements that mention or involve your trigger word. In my case the following advertisement appeared on a site I logged into:

Big Brother is Watching You
Hiya there, Big Brother!

And there is your proof of whether or not Big Brother is watching, recording, and understanding your every word. For me it was a highly creepy realization, but one which in my estimation more people would benefit from awareness of.

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