For What It's Worth

The problem with the slogan "White Lives Matter" is that it is a tautology. That is what mathematicians call a statement that is trivially true.

To provide an analogy, imagine pompously proclaiming that the grass is green, or that the sky is blue. Only a lunatic would dispute your claim. It is vacuously self-evident. So why say it in the first place?

By contrast, there are quite literally hundreds of millions of people the world over who either publicly or privately believe the statement "Black Lives Matter" to be in contention. So simply stating it as a fact does not at all constitute preaching to the choir. Evidence will be demanded of you. Proof will be demanded of you. And many will still not believe you regardless of how compelling your argument may be.

That is the obvious difference between the two statements. And I would agree with any and all that the fact that simply saying "Black Lives Matter" ends up provoking an argument, instead of sage affirmations from your audience, is a true shame. Personally, I look forward to the day when it too becomes a tautology, and is no longer quite so controversial a belief to share.


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