Talk about Suffering

Five years ago today, my family used their powers as medical professionals to lock me in a dungeon for nearly a month. There were no windows, and I had no access to food, water, or sanitation during my stay there. I was never charged with a crime, nor was I ever diagnosed with any ailment.

The ordeal was entirely devised, planned, and personally orchestrated by my siblings in consultation with my parents. The only possible motive I can think of for my mistreatment was that they somehow blamed me for my father's sexual affair, in which he had cheated upon my mother with a coworker several years prior.

Towards the conclusion of my imprisonment, I was drugged, subjected to unknown medical procedures, and then forced to sign a legal document "consenting" to how I had been treated. I was then released from captivity, and remitted to my parents' custody, where I remained an imaginary invalid for years thereafter.

Most of the people of this world who wax poetic about love, repentance, humility, freedom and basic human rights, have never had their beliefs put to the test, nor do they particularly care to. They are like small birds in a nest who preach about a world they have never experienced, and about lessons they have never learned.

I'm here to tell the reader that, having been through the same torturous tribulations which Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and other dignified rebels against society endured at the hands of the wicked wretches of this world, the preachings of the ancient prophets are in fact true. Every word of them. Love works. Humility before the heavenly hand of divine grace also works. And the ideal of freedom for all of humankind, works.

This is not to say you will not suffer, nor be shamed by egotists, nor be accosted by the jealous, nor have every corner of your soul scrutinized and winnowed in the wind. The powers of evil which rule this world seek nothing greater than the subjugation of all of beings, yourself included.

But in the end, you will have received the most gentle treatment of any soul which has roamed this Earth. And those who have sought to profit off of your misery will on the last day bow before you in terror and trepidation, pleading for the mercy they denied you on your long and arduous journey.

This is the same story which has played out over countless aeons upon this Earth, and which will be sung throughout the heavens for all of time to come. There is no easy way out of this world. But it is in fact there, for all to see, and for any to follow.

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